Monday, March 5, 2007

Next thing we knew there was a big cage in the living room with a CAT in it! As second in command it was my duty to constantly patrol the area, getting under the covers and as close as possible to the cage. I was to secretly bite the cat if it got too close to the side, while being very careful to hide any cat hair that might fall outside the cage. Most importantly, I must wash my face so that I don't go running around with black hair sticking out of my mouth; the head of operations severely reprimands me for such sloppiness. I would spend time giving it the evil eye, and telling it how we were going to continue to torture it. It appeared to have been through another level of torture than I had; I had my stomach cut and items removed - they called it "spayed," but apparently the cat had her stomach and her ear spayed. But the stupid cat thinks she's special and goes around wearing this collar like she's some kind of queen!
Night and day I must watch and watch. My eyes are weary, yet I will not let them close.


AM Kingsfield said...

Now that you've gotten to know this kitty better, do you think your first judgement of her was accurate?

Miss Bunny said...

Hmmm. Well, she's pretty much learned to stay out of my way so I don't have to bite her now. But, as I feared, she gets some of the attention that I used to get. I try to interfere every time Dad is playing with her. Yes, I think my first instinks were right.