Sunday, February 25, 2007

When I first came to live here from the park, I took a likin' to this chair. My food and water was under here and I could climb up inside the chair if I got scared, which only happened a couple of times when those little girls came over. Not much scares me; I'm ok with dogs, cats, people, but little girls really scare me. One time a little girl came looking under the bed where I was and I was so scared that I ran over and bit her on the neck. Her 3-year-old brother saw the two marks on her neck and called me a Vampire Bunny. There is some speculation that this behavior has something to do with me being in the park. Lots of people think bunnies are good pets for kids, but they move too fast, grab at us, yell, and just make us nervous - we like older kids or adults.


AM Kingsfield said...

I think Vampire Bunny is a sexy nickname. All the boy bunnys will want you to bite their necks!

I teach art lessons to little girls and I agree that they can be very scary. So far I have refrained from biting their necks.

Anne said...

Go ahead, Miss Kingsfield, bite some necks.