Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Lightning struck a tree very close to our house the other day. BOOOM!! It was the loudest sound I'd ever heard! I was terrified! Stuff fell off the walls. I thought the sky was falling! I ran up the stairs and under the bed. I thumped and thumped for about half an hour before I would believe my staff's reassuring "It's OK, Bunny."

Anyhow, the stereo was fried. I absolutely love music! I especially love classical, but my tastes vary quite a bit. (If I don't like the music I turn my ears away from the speaker.) So I set about tinkering for most of the day until I got it fixed. I love to tinker! And I especially love the feel of the rubber handles in my teeth. Mmmm. You can pretty much tell how much I like the handles if you get a close look at them. I'm not sure my skills are totally appreciated around here.

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