Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Relaxing under my chair...
This is my favorite chair to hang out under. I picked it because it's close to Kitty's things. I have to keep a close eye on her things and eat her hay because her hay always tastes better than mine. Yes, Kitty likes hay too! She learned that from me. She especially likes it in the winter, but she'll often sneak into my part of the living room and eat it right from my plate!

This furniture is great for bunnies because it doesn't have any sharp corners. I just don't like sharp corners and it's so tempting to try to smooth them out with my teeth. And I don't like furniture too close together where I have to squeeze through; then I have to try to enlarge the openings. I don't chew furniture much anymore because I might get squirted with water. Yikes! About the only furniture left with sharp corners that I just can't resist are the slats under the beds. Soon I will have them worn completely away. But furniture with rounded edges is just perfect for house bunnies.


Anonymous said...

So So irresistably cute- I can hardly stand it! Get Zapped sent me here because I just posted pics of my bunny w/ my lab mix (bunny's name is Wacky and dog's name is Vern). I LOVE bunnies- they're so much fun! Enjoy your wonderful furniture!

AM Kingsfield said...

I feel the same way about sharp focus. I had eye surgery and am just short of 20/20. But I decided, for the most part, life doesn't have to be that clear. I have the permanent soft focus.